Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ayeti! ( Haiti)

So I know a lot of you are familiar with the events that have unfolded regarding the deadly Earthquake that shook Haiti on January 12, 2010. The images that have been circulating throughout the various media stations are reminiscent of the way in which Hurricane Katrina media coverage portrayed the suffering of black people.

New Orleans has not been fully recovered since Katrina and it discourages me to think what the future holds for the restoration of Haitian society and culture.

Here is a country that is so unique and critical to African/Black Culture, being that it was the first black republic to gain its independence, as well as being the only country to lead a successful slave revolt. Due to the fact that that Haiti has been plagued by the outcomes of those decisions since then, it has given ignorant, privileged, downright evil people the initiative and the audacity to justify Haiti's downfall because of its voodoo practices and large percentage of AIDS victims residing in that country. It makes me clearly upset to think that Haiti is the way it is because of colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, and just plain political trickery in part by some of the leading world powers.

I am a person who tends to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders and I think the people of Haiti deserve better than to be treated like third world, helpless individuals and start looking at them as strong-willed people who have endured many struggles over the course of history.

Operation Restore Haiti*

"Theres no money, no diamonds, no fortune on this planet that could replace Haiti!"

1 comment:

Nana said...

Powerful one. I never knew your political thinking. I think we never went into it. Beautiful. And I love the connection you make. I think it is the objective of the media in the West--most of whom are 'privileged'--to make Black people appear like they do. It we must make those who do not know, know it.