Monday, April 27, 2009

I wish ( Carl Thomas status)

Sometimes I wish there was no such thing as love. Not to say that I am in love or that I am bitter or anything but whats the big deal anyway.
You wanna know the worse thing.

You meet a guy and then you feel all happy and warm inside and then just like that they can make you feel so so so bad. you can go from eating to much to not eating at all if that makes sense.

I remember I had a conversation with the roommates the other day about being in love and found out that when you first fall in love you dont wanna eat anything and you dont wanna go to sleep and then when they dump you, ironically the same cycle happens again only this time you are crying for days.

My other roommate is always breaking up and making up with her boyfriend which could get annoying because everyone around gets the blunt end of it as well. Man, that sounds draining!

I dont think boys know how much power they have when it comes to relationships. I would say when girls like someone or love someone they love hard. I have never been in love ( at least i dont think) but from the sound of it, it seems painful and very troubling.

I can never like a person w/out thinking about the future.It's very sad.

1 comment:

Hip Hop Cheerleader said...